Share videos & get rewarded from video hosts.
Make money uploading and sharing videos and earn up to $33 per every 10k video views. Video hosting are online video streaming websites that offer a pay reward program for video playback or video views to their users.
You can register in the following hosts only, upload videos and make money with them. Share your video Iframe / Embed code on this website and get paid for every video view that users make of your videos.
We accept the following video host only on this site. We will terminate member if video from other video host post on this site. If you want to add other hosts , then contact us.
Video hosting websites that pay money for video streaming. We support the following hosts only.
- Pay $33 per 10.000 downloads/streams. Each payment amount depends on the country the views/downloads come from
- Earn $30 per 10.000 downloads or streams. The payment amount is defined by the origin country.
- Pay $30 per 10.000 downloads/streams. Each payment amount per download/stream depends on the country the actions comes from.
Rule for Posting Video on this site.
- Upload your videos in the above video hosts. Only Professional Videos are allowed on this site. No homemade, or No MMS Clips are not allowed.
- Register on this site & Click Submit a video.
- Write Original Video Title Only. No random Video Title.
- For Video thumbnail, Register on and upload in 550 X 350px jpeg/jpg only. Use direct link with Image Extension. Eg: